Who doesn’t love cat napping? That feeling of sliding into your comfy bed after a long morning or afternoon. Remember when you were young and every day you had a scheduled nap. Wouldn’t it be great of those naps were still scheduled in for everyone. These naps don’t just help you to feel more well rested and alert, they offer several benefits that many are unaware of. In fact, they may be more productive than we think. Next time you find yourself fighting off that feeling to remind yourself of all these health benefits you can get out of taking a nap.:
Helps you stay alert
The most obvious benefits of cat napping is that it can help keep you alert for the rest of the day. Even just 15 minutes of sleep has been shown to have a positive affect on the productivity of people.
Improves memory and learning
While a longer nap may leave you feeling groggy, your brain may be benefiting from it. Brain activity remains higher in nappers all day when compared to people who don’t take a moment to steal a nap. A 90-minute nap could help mental fatigue disappear.
Increases productivity
Most of us have a lot of things we need to accomplish in a day and by the end of the day you don’t feel you can quite tackle them. Try taking a nap and see if this improves your productivity. While this may feel counterproductive, trust yourself, you’re doing yourself a favor. A short power nap can be the perfect pick-me-up, maybe even more effective than your afternoon cup of coffee.
Helps Eliminate stress
Cat napping is quite relaxing and can take your mind off of any stressful occurrences that may be happening during your day. By relieving stress, you can help boost your body’s immune system and feel more ready to tackle whatever the day brings. In other words, think of your nap as a little mini-vacation. You may not be exactly where you want to be, but you’ll certainly be feeling more relaxed.
How to get the most out of your nap:
Choose the proper time – if it’s too late in the day, you may not be able to fall asleep at bedtime, but if it’s too early, your body may not be prepared for more sleep. Keep the nap around 20 to 30 minutes, which provides you with the best benefits for improved alertness and performance without leaving you groggy and even more tired than you were. Find a quiet, soft low lite place. Make sure the temperature in the room is comfortable to help you fall asleep.